Thursday, February 7, 2013

(33) Balloon Ride

My eyes locked on the body of my darling Elaine flying through the air. She must have put all she had into that single leap. Her hoovering ability carried her close to me, but it did not look like she was going to make it! My heart plummeted faster than she would if her reach was not far enough. I surged forward, upsetting the delicate balance of the balloon, and I reached my hand out. Elaine's fingers brushed mine....and she continued to fall!! I had failed. She was going to die. Suddenly, there was a sharp jerk on the bottom of the net I was in, she had latched on to the netting for dear life. I puller her up by her arm and cradled her shaking frame against my chest. My heart was pounding like I had run a freaking marathon!

"You are so stupid Elaine, so stupid", I panted as held her tighter. I never wanted to put her in danger, that was why I had sent her on that other balloon. I was doing something risky and stupid as heck, and now her fate rested with mine. For a moment, that didn't matter, as I squeezed her with all my might and buried my face in her hair.

She clung tighter to me as well and breathed,"We are doing this together, we are in all of this together, and we will see it through...together."

My breathing slowed and a fire lit within me. Something about Elaine inspired me, she was so....what's the word...fantastic. That one doesn't really begin to cover it, but it's a start. She gave me the courage I needed to be stupidly reckless, and yet, also gave me a reason to stay safe. She gave me conflicting emotions. I gave her one final squeeze then pulled back. She smiled at me with those big eyes surrounded by her mass of hair and I have never wanted to kiss a woman more in my life!!! I restrained myself. Even with my emotions running wild, I loved her enough to wait.

We settled into the balloon and I pulled a device out of my pocket. Elaine cocked her head inquisitively and opened her mouth, but my crooked smile stopped her. She grinned expectantly at me.
"This is my Device of Destiny, patent pending." I stated.

She actually laughed and said, "Well, what does it do? Oh wise and sexy hero?" A wink left her gorgeous eye and I melted on the spot, play it cool John, play it cool.....

"Since you asked, it sends a signal to the massive network of explosives I created using guns that I took apart in the basement of the capital building."

"So the plan is...?" Elaine asked, looking down on the capital building a few hundred feet beneath us.

"To tempt the Beast army as close as possible before setting the explosion off...which is why I wanted you on the other balloon, you know, the one floating to safety. I am here to hug this building and tease them closer."

"But that plan might not have worked," Elaine quipped, "you are known for reckless and stupid things, if the Beasts see me, they might not see through your plan to the trap that it is."

Curses, she was right! What would I do without her...? Not much...ha.

As I steered the balloon back around to loop past the capital again I heard sounds coming out of Elaine's mouth that I had never expected to hear...


My eyes were as wide as I looked at Elaine, she gave me a sheepish smile and pointed. The entire Beast army was staring up at us, and running straight for the capital building!!

As the balloon came near the dome the first set of Beasts hit the building. We watched as the rest of the army pushed toward our location and Elaine and I grinned at each other.

Out of nowhere a missile sailed past my head and burst into flames right behind us!!
They had pulled out a freakin' bazooka!!! 

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