Thursday, December 20, 2012

(31) More Elevators and Epic Fighting

The charge and blast of my 4000xp blaster gun seemed loud enough to wake the dead, but my little cupcake snored lightly and rolled off my knee. The Beast stood there for a moment with a gaping hole in its filthy chest before falling backwards into the puddle of its own bloody guts.

Quick as a flash Elaine was on my shoulder and my blaster was charging again as I jumped over the corpse. We were one floor beneath the dome, taking off down the hallway, we reached the elevator shaft in time for me to blast the door open with a short burst to the controls. The group of people huddled in the net cheered softly for me as they began to make their way out. I directed them down the hallways to the elevator and soon all of us were crammed inside the service elevator. We couldn't risk it not making another trip so we were shoulder to shoulder. It would have been awkward if I was easily embarrassed, which I'm not. Ha! I just tried my best to keep Elaine comfortable on my shoulder and not knock her pretty head into the wall too many times....

The cheery *ding* of the elevator told us we had reached the top floor. This was the moment of truth. As the metal doors opened, I gave my reflection a dashing smile before aiming my blaster at the fast-widening space ahead. One glance told me this was going to be one heck of a fight.

My gun went off before the doors had finished opening. Then I sprinted past the body of the decapitated Beast before it had even hit the ground. "FIGHT!" I yelled over my shoulder, "FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES; FIGHT FOR THOSE YOU'VE LOST! FIGHT FOR THOSE YOU HOLD DEAR!" I heard blasters going off all around me as the swarm of Beasts began to drop like over-grown flies. But they were still coming, one got a good swipe at my arm. Gosh dangit! My poor coat sleeve was in tatters...and I was bleeding, but that was no matter. I hiked Elaine up a little as I sprinted for the door, which opened and more Beasts began racing in. Crap!

We were surrounded, there was only one way out, "GET ON THE ROOF!" I shouted at the mass of people fighting their way through the Beasts. Suction guns went off all around me as people began to rise. I kept fighting, giving them their best chance at reaching the top. Once they were all above the Beast's reach I shot mine up and leapt into the air.

People shuddered and some sobbed as they made their way past the corpses suspended from the ceiling. I made it to the top and blasted through the roof with my gun. Soon, we were all on top, gulping the cool night air. The sky was lightening, dawn was near. I could see the Beasts from the camp swarming into the city and preparing a full-scale attack that would finish us off.

As I reached for the bar of chocolate I kept in my pouch for emergencies and tore off a chunk, I realized that this was it, the deciding point. By daybreak, there would be one victor, and the victor always gets the girl.