Wednesday, December 19, 2012

(30) Elevator Ride

After picking up the soft body of my beloved, I sprinted across the hallway to the net suspended under the four floors above me. 

Well crap. 
 I didn't want the elevator to come down... that would mean it was plummeting to the passengers' deaths--not the most preferable outcome. I had to think. My ticket up was beyond the reach of any suction-gun I had and it was getting farther...Elaine has such fine farther away. We had to get back...or we could stay down here and get Crap. 

Why did she have to be so dang beautiful!? How's  a guy supposed to think clearly with a stunned and stunning woman in his arms? Suddenly, a sound from the other room. Well double crap! The Beasts were waking up! Gosh dang it all! 

My foggy brain cleared of the desires for that which only a woman can satisfy and snapped into protection mode. One thought dictated all others: I must save Elaine, no matter the cost. 

I noticed that the hallway past the room with the quasi-conscious Beasts was littered with the shredded remains of the barricade doors. They must not have come from this elevator, that meant there was another way out! I flipped Elaine onto my shoulder, grabbed my 4000xp blaster gun and hurtled down the hallway, dodging puddles of blood and shards of metal as I went, blue coat flying, looking like a freakin' hero. 

Once I reached the end of the hallway I saw that there was another elevator, a service one, just waiting for me. Leaping inside I punched the button for the top floor and holstered my blaster gun. Carefully pulling Elaine off my back, I knelt down with her and laid her on the floor, her head on my knee to keep it off the filthy metal bottom of the elevator. I tried to wake her. I tried everything, shaking her, pinching her, throwing her at the wall of the elevator....okay, maybe not that...but short of kissing Sleeping Beauty, I could not get her to wake up. For the first time since she fell into that pool, I was scared. I tried to remember emergency medical procedure, but it was all a mix of numbers, pulses, and bandages covered in cute bunny rabbits. Was she breathing? I couldn't tell! Placing my hand in front of her mouth didn't help. So, I did something I'm not too proud of, I stared at her, very fine, chest. After a moment, I saw that it was indeed moving...but after another moment, I realized the elevator wasn't. 

I reached for my 4000xp blaster gun and whipped around just as the doors opened. 

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