Friday, July 27, 2012

(20) Breakfast at Dinnertime

The bike whooshed through the woods. John was skilled at avoiding every little tree and branch, even at such high velocities. As we were nearing a lake he punched a large button in the center of the handle bars and the wheels abruptly left the ground and we began to hoover over the ground just moments before it became water. Then John turned to the right and started going north, into the rising sun. I held onto John tightly. I never wanted to let him go. When mid-day hit, John slowed his bike and landed it on the soft turf. The sun was blazing so John found some shade under a large tree. I was so tired. I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in days and my body was protesting. I eased myself stiffly off the bike and lay down on the springy grass. I was asleep before John had dismounted his bike.
I didn't know how long I slept, but I awoke to a hand on my face, gently moving my hair aside and stroking my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw John's face looking down on me with an apologetic smile.
"Hey sweetheart", he said in a soft voice, "We have to get going; I'm so sorry to wake you."
I smiled at him and nodded as I slowly sat up. He helped me. His help was unnecessary, but I loved it when he touched me so I let him support me as I got to my feet. It was evening, just before twilight. My stomach grumbled loudly causing John to laugh. This sound was the most beautiful sound in the world, apart from his voice saying my name. He rifled through the rations and pulled the tab on a smallish one. Breakfast for two sprang into existence. We each grabbed a plate loaded with an omlet, bacon, sausage links, and pineberry fruit.
"So", I said slyly between bites. "All the ladies love the bike? How many ladies have you taken on this thing?"
John looked at me with a coy look on his face and started counting on his fingers and moving his lips as though he was counting outloud, though I couldn't distinguish his words. After a moment of this he looked at me and said, "Only" Then his devastatingly handsome smile broke across his face and I blushed at the honor. When we had eaten our fill we wrapped it back up in the pouch it had sprung from. This shrunk it down to the size of a small orange.
Then John grabbed me and spun me around before placing me on top of his bike. He stepped back and looked at the picture that made with a grin on his face. Then he hopped onto the bike and we rode off into the fading light.

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