Thursday, July 19, 2012

(17) A Gun

John pulled me through a hidden door and into a small storage room. He lit a lamp and looked at me. I was shaking on the ground, holding the weapon with which I had taken a life. John looked at me closely, he pulled at my hair, rubbing it’s blonde strands between his fingers.

“What happened to you?” He asked. Tears welled up in my eyes and poured down my face. I could not speak. John looked at me with great concern and took the ray gun gently from my shaking hand. He stowed it in its holder and stood up, casting his eyes around. He found a trunk and dug through it until he found a leaf green tunic with draped sleeves that hung down, rippling to one’s elbows. The ornate gold encircling designs on the wide neck tunic were quite pretty. A matching black belt, black boots and bronze-colored tights were found. John presented these to me and left the room. I ripped the orange monstrosity off my body and dressed in the soft, cotton clothes John had selected for me. But, as I looked in a tarnished silver plate at my reflection, I sighed over my hair. I missed my old tresses. I pulled the glass top off the lamp and used the flame to set fire to that horrible orange dress. A soft knock came at the door.

“Come in.” I said in a small voice. John poked his head in through the door, he was carrying a tray full of breads and cold meats and some odd herbs. He looked at the burning dress, but didn’t say anything. I took a piece of bread from the tray, tore off bit-sized chunks, and popped them into my mouth. As I chewed John began mixing herbs together and grinding them with a mortar and pedestal. I was silent, and so was he. After he finished with the concoction, he took the dark red powder and dumped it on my head. With a large pouf sound I felt my hair spring back into it’s normal curly state. I snatched at a curl and saw that it was its normal fiery red. John was watching me. I looked up into his kind eyes and threw my arms around him. He held me close with arms that comforted, not restricted. I was safe again. We pulled apart after a long moment.

He placed his hand on my cheek and said, “Oh my dear Elaine. I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

I was confused. “What are you apologizing for?” I asked incredulously.

“For dropping you into that cursed pool!” He cried.

“That was not your fault!” I protested. “I will not forgive you for a crime that you did not commit. But how did you find me?”

John looked at me and said, “I ran off because I heard the beasts near the clearing. I was lucky you stayed there at the pool because they saw you and realized what had happened. They must be in contact with that world because they knew what it was called. One of the leaders mentioned the name of the planet and galaxy so I was able to get a fix. I was fortunate that I landed right where you were. It took me a while to get a hold of a pair of teleport devices, but it looked like I was not a moment too late. Were you…it doesn’t matter.” He mumbled the last part.

I looked puzzled at him, “Was I what…?”

He looked at me and then cast his eyes down as he said, “Were you getting married?”

I looked at him and carefully chose my words. “Yes, I was being forced to marry a man who looked like you, but was not like you at all. I don’t know how he was able to know me and look like you, but it must have been to get at me. Can I have a ray gun?” The sudden question startled him. “I would have been forced to live as his wife if you hadn’t shown up when you did, I don’t mean that I doubt your ability to protect me, I just think that I have such a great propensity for getting into these scrapes that I want a way to defend myself.”

John studied me for a long moment then asked. “What did you mean when you shouted at that King about a kiss?”

I sighed. “He…”, I looked at my hands, “I was forced to kiss him. He kissed me but I didn’t kiss him back.” I glance up at John, his face was one of barely contained rage.

“That son of a….” he looked at me and stopped short. He got up and paced about stopping suddenly and spitting, “I swear Elaine, if you hadn’t shot him already I would go back there and finish the job myself!”

“So can I have a ray gun? I asked.

“Yes! Though I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight for as long as I live, I’ll give you one.” He opened another crate and found a ray gun identical to his and fitted a leather holster on my belt. A knock came on the door. John called them in, holding tightly to my hand as though to make good on his promise to keep me with him at all times.
A soldier’s head stretched around the door and said, “John, we need you, there’s been another attack. It’s the capitol.”

John’s face hardened and he squeezed my hand tighter.

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